In a time where money is tight for many people, Title One Settlement Group has a couple suggestions to help you save money. One potential way to save money is to combine your auto and home insurance policies. Insurance policies can get very expensive and put a big dent in your wallet but if you are proactive in finding the best rates and exploring all possible options, then you will be able to see the savings add up quickly. One of the best ways to save money on insurance is to combine your home and auto insurance plans. The average savings attained by combining the two policies is between 5 and 15 percent. We suggest that you sit down and look at the numbers. Take a couple of minutes and go over the policies that you currently hold. Ask your agent if you can combine your auto and home insurance for extra savings or go online and see what the other insurance companies are offering. Just a little time can help you realize what new opportunities there are to save on insurance and save some money. One other way to save is by keeping your home safe and secure. Some insurance companies will cut your premium by up to 20% simply by having a home security system or sophisticated sprinkler system. Remember these tips above and make sure that you stay in contact with your insurance agent.