When you own or manage real estate, there are a few key factors you must keep in mind that will drastically change the appearance and value of your home. Simple tasks that can be done for fewer than 100 dollars can make a significant difference in the way your home property is viewed. At Title One Settlement Group we want to remind you that the little things you do make a difference. We have composed a short list of the three best actions that you can take to improve your home’s value and make your home look very attractive to potential buyers.
Make Over Your Cabinets – Making over your cabinets can get expensive, but if it is done the right way, you can redo them for cheap and still make a significant impact on your home.
Patch and Paint – Those little nicks and scratches on your walls severely harm the appearance of your home. Patch up holes, fix scrapes, and get a new paint job and you will see a tremendous difference in how your home is viewed.
Get Rid of Clutter – Clutter and unneeded items harm the home by taking away from space and making the home seem smaller than it really is. Take a weekend and clean out all the unnecessary clutter from your home so you can see what exactly needs to be fixed. In the meantime, sell the things that you no longer need and make some extra money in the process!